Backwash Recycling

Transforming “Water use” to Sustain All of Our Futures. urban treatment facilities.


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We now have the technology to implement backwash recycling & WateReuse for residential swimming pools, protecting sensitive farmland groundwater aquifers, waterways & oceans from chemical,metals, and salt intrusion. This will also alleviate huge amounts of waste water to over-burdened centralized urban treatment facilities.

S.R.V.  (Sediment Retention Vessel)

Improved Swimming Pool Technology

All over the world, millions of sand filters are regularly backwashed to clear out the dirt that has accumulated in the course of normal operation. This sand filter flushout process may use 200 gallons of water or more, depending on who is doing it and how long it takes to run clear. That 200-gallon backwash is 99% clean water, and a relatively small amount of dirt.

S.R.V.  (Sediment Retention Vessel)

 (Sediment Retention Vessel) is used to separate particles from pool backwash water, by allowing the solids to settle to the bottom, recycling off for WateReuse of the particle-free part of the liquid.Sedimentation - The process of allowing particles in suspension in water to settle out of the suspension under the effect of gravity. The particles that settle out from the suspension become sediment, and in pool water we are able to capture/contain the sediments in lower portion of tank.Retention - is the act or condition of keeping or containing something. The S.R.V. is capturing water and sediments from backwash. Vessel - also called settling tank, clarifier or Decanting area, component of a modern system of water supply or wastewater treatment. An S.R.V. allows suspended particles to settle out of water or backwash as it flows slowly through the tank cycle, thereby providing extreme degree of purification.Backwash - backwashing is a form of preventive maintenance so that the filter media can be reused.

A Sustainable Solution for “Backwash Recycling”

●BMP & HOA compliant

●Ecologically friendly

●Save chemicals

●Simple to operate

●Save WATER!

Best Management Practices

● Clean pool filters over a container and allow the waste to settle out. Dry out the residue. Dispose of solids by bagging and placing in the trash.

● Never clean filters or discharge backwash into gutter, street or storm drain.City of West sacramento, California

Contact Us 


Ecosmart, Efficient and Effortless

Simple to install as an attament to you existing swimming pool filteration system.

Our specially designed baqckwash Tank allows curently chemically treated water back into the pool, enabling pool water to be kept at a level critical for its maintenance

S.R.V Backwash Recycling System

Simple To Install As An Attachment

Backwash Recycle

Saves and resuses all backwash water currently lost down the drain. Easy to use and eco-friendly. 

Having the right tech

Easily installed to new or exiting sand filtered pool. Enviornmentally responsible & cost effetive

S. R. V Backwash Recycling System

Environmentally Responsible & Cost Effective 100% American 

Water use

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